[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (2025)

#15 - Medium Tank Template

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (1)

While this is ranked the lowest on the list, don’t let it fool you.This template holds many support units like logistics, reconnaissance, radio communications, and more which give the template overall a balanced action, making this armored unit ready for both everything…and nothing.


Speed: this template can quickly maneuver around the enemy allowing for both excellent coordinated attacks and retreats.

Cost Production: this template can be mass produced as it is one of the cheapest on the list.

Reconnaissance: this unit can give greater detail/intel of the enemy allowing the player to make plans ahead.

#14 - Infanterie Division (Infantry)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (2)

This division doesn’t offer much. With a decent soft attack and HP, this template is great for players who are getting the feel of making new divisions.


Soft attack: This division excels at fighting infantry.

HP: This division can take more damage before being routed.

Training time: This division has one of the lowest training times, allowing for more divisions to be built.

#13 - Mekhanizirovaniy Korp (Mechanized)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (3)

This division is the only mechanized template on this list, and it is decent.With a great soft attack, speed, and the highest suppression in the game, this division is good for support attack.


Suppression: Prevents resistance from rising in the occupied territory.

Soft Attack: Being essentially a motorized infantry with armor slapped on the front, this division is great for dealing with infantry divisions.

Recovery Rate: After a battle happens, the lost manpower will be filled up quicker than most of the other division templates on this list.

#12 - Panzer Division (Medium Tank)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (4)

This division template (and #11 template) has the highest air attack, meaning that any bomber plane that attempts to target this division will first have to get through some of ten best air defenses on this list.


Air Attack: Prevents enemy air attacks on this division and other divisions that may be with it.

Cost: With a lower cost compared to the next division template, this division can be produced more.

Speed: This division template is quick, allowing for more opportunities of encirclements.

#11 - Gornostrelkovaya Diviziya (Mountain)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (5)

This division is tied with the previous template’s air attack stat, however, this division template has hard attack and piercing, making this more suitable for offensive operations.


Air Attack: Prevents enemy air attacks on this division and other divisions that may be with it.

Hard Attack: Makes this division more suitable for fighting armored units.

Piercing: This division can pierce higher armored tanks than normal mountain or infantry divisions can.

#10 - Panzer Division (Heavy Tank)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (6)

This division has quick speed and the highest soft attack on this list. This means that this division can absolutely decimate infantry units that may be ahead, especially with its high breakthrough stat.


Soft Attack: With the best soft attack on this list, this division template shreds through the enemy infantry.

Hard Attack: 912.3 hard attack makes this template equally as tough against the infantry as it is against the tanks.

Breakthrough: This is the last gem to make this template a great offensive beast. Its breakthrough of 832.1 allows the division to rip through the battlefield causing gaps within the enemy lines.

#9 - Infantry Template

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (7)

This infantry division offers a few perks that unfortunately weren’t enough to be ranked higher. Its movement is standard, but its cheapness and fuel usage make is stand out quite a bit.While the division itself isn’t the greatest, this is perfectly suitable for 1936-1938.


Reliability: In case of attrition, you can expect to suffer lesser penalties with this template.

Soft attack: While not the best, this template’s soft attack is decent, meaning it can fight other infantry-based divisions/templates.

Recovery rate: When this division loses manpower after a battle, it has a faster rate of restoring its strength compared to other division templates.

#8 - African Division (Artillery)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (8)

This division is an artillery man’s dream. This template contains trucks and towed artillery both against ground and air. With quick speed and low manpower, this template will soften any frontline it faces! Its training time being low also makes this division mass producible.


Speed: If in fear of enemy troops encircling, this division can retreat faster than you can say, “Go.”

Training Time: This template has a low training time of 120, meaning it can be produced quicker than other templates.

Manpower: With a manpower of only 13.1K, this division is suitable for countries who have low populations.

#7 - 4 Line Artillery (Artillery)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (9)

This is an infantry-artillery-mixed template, meaning you can put your useful fuel elsewhere.Its soft attack is pretty good compared to other templates and the reconnaissance elevates this unit higher. Lastly, its engineer support allows the division to entrench itself quicker, preventing the division from easily falling into the enemy hands.


Production Cost: It's very cheap, allowing for more of these divisions to be built without severely hurting the production cost for other templates.

Soft attack: Its soft attack of 403.5 makes it a solid adversary against the enemy’s infantry.

Entrenchment: With additional help from Support Engineers, this template allows the division to quickly entrench itself whenever needed.

#6 - Infantry Template

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (10)

A true combat division. This division has the highest HP and the best Reliability out of this list. Additionally, its organization is solid, the recovery rate is quick, and has a solid defense! For offense, its breakthrough can spearhead through the battlefield.


HP: This unit has 408.4 HP, making this (although infantry) an absolute tank.

Reliability: The best reliability on this list, meaning if you struggle keeping your forces out of attrition, this template is for you.

Organization: Solid organization means that the unit can move more without arriving with only one boot and no commander. In other terms, this template has a high organization, allowing for more movement and lesser chance of taking more damage.

#5 - Brygada Kawalerii (Cavalry)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (11)

The only cavalry template on this list, and one of the best ones too.Being primarily cavalry, this division template uses the least amount of manpower, meaning that hypothetically, you could overrun all of your enemies with the hussars. Additionally, with reconnaissance as a support and cavalry in general, this template has the highest reconnaissance score, meaning that by the time the enemy arrives at the front, you’ll be three steps ahead.


Reconnaissance: High reconnaissance means for more intel on the enemy, giving the player an overall edge in the battle, additionally aids the general’s tactics.

Low Manpower: With only 12.1K able-bodied men needed, nations can form more divisions with lesser manpower.

Organization: Its speed and organization make this template a tough opponent for most of the infantry, this unit can move further AND quicker without losing much organization, allowing the division to fight with more strength.

#4 - 2 Line Arty (Artillery)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (12)

Back to artillery, the king of battle. This time, the template has higher HP, better defense, faster entrenchment, and is the cheapest template on this list.This is a perfect division for support attacks and for defensive purposes. To add on, this template has a decent reconnaissance, quick production time, and a solid organization.


Cheap: This is the cheapest template on this list, allowing for more divisions to be built.

Eco-Friendly; Because these artillery pieces aren’t towed, this means that no fuel is used for this division, allowing players to focus their fuel spending on motorized and tank divisions.

Entrenchment: With an entrenchment of 5.5, this template is perfect for defenses.

#3 - Panzer Division (Medium Tank)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (13)

Excluding the African Division, this division template is the quickest and most aggressive template on this list. With the highest breakthrough and recovery rate, the victories that this template will bring from the sheer speed would make Erwin Rommel jealous. This template is best for encircling and absolutely wreaking havoc on the enemy.


Speed: With a speed of 8.0km, this division can zoom through the frontline while the enemy tries to reorganize.

Recovery Rate: Speaking of reorganization, this division can quickly resupply on manpower after battles, allowing the division to fight longer.

Breakthrough: With a breakthrough of ~1,000, this Division will break through almost anything, allowing the player to have more opportunities for encirclements.

#2 - New Division (Heavy Tank)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (14)

This is the pinnacle of an armored division. With the highest hard attack, armor, and armor piercing, this is practically a wave of tanks. With a quick speed and air attack, this unit can both get away or ensure no one gets away. A con of such division is the cost and the fuel usage.


Hard Attack: With a hard attack of 928.3 , this template shreds most tanks it faces against.

Armor: With the highest armor on this list, any fortunate enemy tank that gets to fire at this division must first penetrate its thick armor.

Piercing; Once that now unfortunate tank takes their shot, they must survive the shot from our division’s tanks, because this template has the highest piercing, 9/10, the enemy tanks would be no more.

#1 - Vanatori de munte (Mountain)

[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (15)

Despite what seems to have a lot of debuffs, this mountain division has the lowest supply use, but it has the highest defense, organization, and one of the lowest training times.Ever thought that conquering Switzerland was difficult? Not anymore.


Organization: With an organization of 79.7, this template can move far without losing much organization, allowing the division to still fight with high potential.

Supply use: Although this costs more than 20K manpower, this division uses the least amount of supplies on this list, meaning that it doesn’t take many supply routes to feed this division.

Defense: With defense of 967 and entrenchment of 9.4, it’s practically impossible to pass through this division, especially if their general enacts the “Last Man Standing” plan.

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[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates (2025)


[Top 15] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Division Templates? ›

I usually use 14/4 divisons with support. Anything 20 width works on singleplayer though. Use a 5 inf 10 arty if you have the production or the time to build up. It's op for sure, been using it since the beggining of the times and it hasn't once let me down.

Are 14 4s still good in HoI4? ›

I usually use 14/4 divisons with support. Anything 20 width works on singleplayer though. Use a 5 inf 10 arty if you have the production or the time to build up. It's op for sure, been using it since the beggining of the times and it hasn't once let me down.

How much is 1 division in hoi4? ›

Each division consists of up to five combat regiments and five support companies. In turn, each combat regiment is composed of up to five battalions.

What is the penalty for too many divisions in HoI4? ›

Stacking penalty for having too many divisions in combat: (-2% per division over the stacking limit. The stacking limit is 5, plus 3 per flanking direction. Paradrop penalty: -30% combat penalty for 48 hours after being paradropped.

What is the best infantry division template in HoI4? ›

15 21-Width Infantry: Good All Rounders

The standard, go-to template for most players, this 21-Width Infantry division is relatively low-cost, reliable, and performs well in most terrains, especially forest and jungle. It works best as a basic infantry unit, used to hold the line or make a general push along the front.

Does Hearts of Iron 4 ever end? ›

Hearts of Iron IV was developed to be more open-ended than previous games in the series. Partially as a result of this, the game can be more readily modded than its predecessors. According to game director Dan Lind, 64% of Hearts of Iron IV players use mods.

Can a HOI4 game go on forever? ›

You can play as long as you like, and I've seen people go on runs until like 1980, but it gets very content-barren once focus trees start to run out of content.

How long can a HOI4 game last? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Hearts of Iron IV is about 52½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 974 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the 24 division limit in HoI4? ›

Generals can command up to 24 divisions effectively unless they are in "Garrison Area" mode, during which the limit is tripled to 72 divisions. Above this limit, their bonuses and XP gain are reduced proportionally.

Is HoI4 an easy game? ›

While a good chunk of that is multiplayer, I can say with confidence that HoI4 is by far the easiest singleplayer game PDX has ever made. Honestly the same can be said about its multiplayer. Some people argue HoI4 only seems simple because there is less micro than in previous HoIs due to a better UI.

Is artillery good in HoI4? ›

Anti-tank artillery deals a lot of hard damage and has high piercing, making them excel in taking out vehicles on the ground. However, their low soft attack means they are not very effective against softer targets, such as infantry.

Can you delete divisions in HOI4? ›

Click the Unassign Units button or press the X key X to remove the selected divisions from the army. Note that this action preserves the divisions for reassignment to a new or different army.

What is oob HOI4? ›

The game uses orders of battle to define the state of the country's military. Traditionally, the starting equipment production is defined in them, using an effect block. Optionally, the current focus progress may be included. Each order of battle must be loaded in order for the units to show up.

How big is a division in hearts of iron? ›

Each division consists of 1-25 battalions - also sometimes called line battalions. This is the main fighting force, and the primary source of most statistics.

Is 20 combat width good in HoI4? ›

While a game like Hearts of Iron 4 can encourage large-scale conflicts to take areas quickly, players who prefer to play it safe could use Combat Width 20 for a sweet spot in most incursions - especially for Urban Terrain, which generally offers low penalties at the onset.

What is the over division limit in HoI4? ›

Generals can command up to 24 divisions effectively unless they are in "Garrison Area" mode, during which the limit is tripled to 72 divisions. Above this limit, their bonuses and XP gain are reduced proportionally.

How big of a game is Hearts of Iron 4? ›

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