Ryomen Sukuna (Rain's page) (2024)

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NameRyomen Sukuna
AliasKing of Curses
OriginJujutsu Kaisen/呪術廻戦
SpeciesCursed Spirit
ClassificationKing of Curses
Ryomen Sukuna (Rain's page) (1)


Ryomen Sukuna ( Ryōmen Sukuna?) is a mighty sorcerer known as the King of Curses (いの Noroi no Ō?). He is one of the primary antagonists of Jujutsu Kaisen.

According to a legend, during the Golden Age Of Jujutsu over a thousand years ago, Sukuna was an Imaginary Demon. Though, in truth, he was a human sorcerer.

Many Jujutsu Sorcerers from the Heian era sharpened their skills and fought him to try and take him down but ultimately failed in killing Sukuna. After he had passed, his soul was split into his 20 fingers which had been turned into indestructible Special Grade Cursed Objects and were preserved in their own grave wax. These fingers traversed the ages, coveted by many. It wasn't until a thousand years later that he was incarnated after Yuji Itadori ate one of his fingers.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Low 7-B

Powers and Abilities:

  • Cursed Energy Manipulation
  • Black Flash
  • Cleave
  • Dismantle
  • Shrine
  • Malevolent Shrine
  • World Slash
  • Reversed Cursed Technique
  • Hollow Wicker Basket
  • Divine Flames
  • The Ten Shadows

Attack Potency: At least Large Town level (should upscale from Jogo who was able to create a meteor) Small City Level (was able to destroy a large part of Shibuya)

Speed: At least High Hypersonic+ (a 2 finger Sukuna was able to speedblitz Megumi) Massively Hypersonic (a 15 finger Sukuna was able to speedblitz Jogo)

Lifting Strength: Likely Class M (Should be stronger than Jogo) | Likely Class M (Stronger than before)

Striking Strength: At least Large Town level (should upscale from Jogo who was able to create a meteor) Small City Level (was able to destroy a large part of Shibuya)

Durability: At least Large Town level (should upscale from Jogo who was able to create a meteor) Small City Level (was able to destroy a large part of Shibuya)

Stamina: Superhuman (Should be superior to his vessel Yuji's stamina as he adds his own to it while taking over. Can fight without a heart, fought Jogo and Mahoraga back to back, and used his Domain Expansion without signs of being exhausted. Yuta said Sukuna had more than twice the amount of Cursed Energy as him)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Dismantle and Cleave, up to Two Hundred Meters with Maleveolent Shrine

Standard Equipment:

  • Kamutoke (「」 Jugu・Kamutoke?): A ball-handled short blade that allows Sukuna to be able to fire bursts of electrical discharges at his opponents. It was with this cursed weapon that Sukuna used to defeat the five empty generals as well as both the sun and moon squads that tried to oppose him back in the Heian era.

Intelligence: Genius (Being that he holds the moniker of the "King of Curses", Sukuna is an extraordinarily intelligent sorcerer, possessing a deep and vast understanding and knowledge of cursed techniques, curses, binding vows, cursed tools, and reverse cursed technique, including where exactly the part of the brain that supports domains is located. In the Golden Age of Jujutsu during the Heian Era, Sukuna was feared as the most powerful sorcerer, defeating both Sun-Moon-Stars and the Five Empty Generals, the most elite of the Fujiwara Clan's Subjugation Units and leaving a lasting impact on history. His title as the "Strongest Sorcerer in History" reflects his unparalleled ability with Jujutsu. He is able to utilize Mahoraga to allow for more strategically effective attacks against Gojo by using him to bypass Infinity. Sukuna constantly switched between Domain Amplification and an innate technique, to which Kashimo had claimed that if Gojo did not have the Six Eyes, Sukuna's Cursed Energy control would likely exceed his. Sukuna's ability to quickly deduce and counter cursed techniques is unparalleled, as seen in his battle against Mahoraga in which he solved how his adaptation worked , surpassing the previous wielder of the Six Eyes and the Limitless, whom was defeated by the Shikigami. Even when completely overwhelmed by Gojo in their first meeting, Sukuna quickly began deducing the nature of the sorceror's innate technique, being implied to be aware of Gojo's enhanced punches. Even Satoru Gojo, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of the modern age and a natural genius himself, acknowledges Sukuna's formidable skills as a sorcerer. Additionally, Sukuna quickly grasped the potential of Megumi's cursed technique in their brief battle, eventually forming a binding vow with Yuji to seize Megumi's body. Later, during a confrontation with Hana Kurusu, Sukuna manipulated Megumi's memories to make her believe he was in control, leading to a critical injury when she embraced him. In his battle with Gojo, he began to see how Mahoraga adapted to Gojo's Infinity and used Mahoraga as a baseplate to create a technique to bypass it, achieving a feat he never thought was possible with his Cursed Technique in one try—courtesy of the model given to him by the shikigami—while also using a binding vow that allowed him to cast it with no hand signs. He copied the concept of soul splitting from being turned into a cursed object by Kenjaku, and the ability to refresh his cursed technique burnout after only seeing Gojo do it once. Sukuna holds the strongest Domain Expansion in the entire verse, having an Open Barrier Domain with power superior than that of Kenjaku, a feat known to be divine as Open Barrier Domains require the user to alter space itself around them by manifesting the domain in reality, stated to be akin to "painting without a canvas." Higuruma's first use of Domain Amplification being managed with the same profoundness as Sukuna is christened by the latter to be a feat that displays raw talent equal to Satoru Gojo, implying that his own raw talent is equal to that of the two of them)

Weaknesses: Like all sorcerers, their control of Curse Energy comes from their gut thus destroying their gut or brain completely can stop them from using cursed energy and Reverse Cursed Technique. One can target the neck to stop application of Reversed Cursed Technique from the neck down also. After Domain Expansion, one's cursed technique is burnt out and requires a short duration to come back, though this can be negated by Sukuna forcefully destroying the right cerebral cortex portion of his brain with Cursed Energy and healing it with Reverse Cursed Technique. Sukuna can be diffused from his vessel through purification, killing him. Attacks to his soul also disrupt the attunement of his and his vessel's physical form. Sukuna must first make direct contact with his targets for Cleave to do fatal wounds though not in domain. Using Domain Amplification and one's cursed technique can't be used at the same time though Sukuna is able to switch between them quickly. | Mahoraga's wheel is interrupted when Sukuna is using other cursed techniques. When in his true form, Sukuna has four arms, even with these Sukuna still can be held back given one set of arms has to focus on another task like using Hollow Wicker Basket rendering him unable to use his World-Severing Slash.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Shrine ( Mizushi?):
    • Dismantle ( Kai?): Sukuna's standard slashing attack. Effective against inanimate objects or anything without cursed energy.
      • Slashes that Cut the World (をつ Sekai o Tatsu Zangeki?): Inspired by Mahoraga's second adaptation to Gojo's's Infinity, Sukuna further enhanced Dismantle by expanding its target area to encompass the very fabric of the world itself, transforming it into "a slash that cuts through the world." This unblockable attack cuts through space, making it impossible to defend against. To unleash the World-Severing Slash, Sukuna chants three phrases: "Dragon Scales" ( Ryūrin?), "Repulsion" ( Hanpatsu?), and "Twin Meteors" (いの Tsugai no Ryūsei?)
    • Cleave ( Hachi?): The second method of slashing. Effective against anything or anyone imbued with cursed energy.
    • Divine Flame, Open (「 」 Kamino・Fūga?): Sukuna can create and manipulate flames into a single powerful arrow attack. These abilities exceed Jogo's, a special grade curse that specializes in pyrokinetic abilities.
    • Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine (「」 Ryōiki Tenkai・f*ckuma Mizushi?) Sukuna's Domain Expansion creates a Buddhist shrine decorated with skulls. Malevolent Shrine has a distinctive property that does not create a barrier to separate spaces. In exchange for not having the power to confine targets, the Domain has expanded the guaranteed hit radius to nearly 200 meters. Within Malevolent Shrine, Sukuna can use Cleave and Dismantle relentlessly and automatically until the Domain expires.
  • Ten Shadows Techniques ( Tokusa no Kage Bōjutsu?): After taking over Megumi Fushiguro's body, Sukuna was able to control the ability of the ten shadows.
    • Nue ( Nue?): By controlling the ten shadows, Sukuna can summon Nue, an owl shikigami with the ability to produce electricity from its wings who has a much larger body than Megumi's version.
    • Divine Dogs ( Gyokuken?): Sukuna summons an augmented version of the dogs, being covered by darkness.
      • Divine Dog: Totality (「」 Gyokuken・Kon?): It is an improved version of the black Divine Dog shikigami, which inherited the power of the fallen white Divine Dog. It is powerful enough to contend with special-grade cursed spirits.
    • Toad ( Gama?): A large toad shikigami with a long and powerful tongue that can grab people and pull them through the air. Toad's tongue can be used to pull its user or their allies to safety and then carry an entire person in its mouth if need be.
    • Max Elephant ( Banshō?): An imposing elephant shikigami, capable of unleashing a torrent of water from its trunk. Additionally, users can summon Max Elephant directly above an enemy to crush them with its immense size and weight. Sukuna showed the ability to compress the water released by Max Elephant, allowing him to fire off high-pressure beams of water in a manner identical to Piercing Blood.
    • Rabbit Escape ( Datto?): A swarm of rabbits that allow the user of the summoning technique to be able to hide oneself or other weapons into the shadows. It can also be used to help pull an opponent into the shadow itself and create distractions towards opponents as well.
    • Piercing Ox ( Kangyū?): An Ox-like creature summoned by the Ten Shadows Technique, its ability is to continually get stronger as it charges, however, it is only able to charge in a straight line.
    • Round Deer ( Madoka?): Sukuna is able to summon a large deer type creature capable of outputting positive energy similar to Reverse Cursed Technique which allows the deer to be able to not only heal Sukuna, but also nullify all types of cursed techniques.
    • Eight Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga ( Yatsuka-no-Tsurugi Ikaishinshō Makora?): The mightiest shikigami that can be summoned through the Ten Shadows Technique. It is a powerful and durable humanoid figure wielding a sword. Mahoraga possesses immense strength and is capable of adapting to different forms of cursed energy attacks, becoming more resistant with each encounter. Since the inception of the Ten Shadows Technique, no one has been capable of defeating Mahoraga, rendering it a forbidden summon due to its uncontrollable power and the potential danger it poses. Remarkably, Sukuna, an outsider to the Ten Shadows Technique, managed to achieve what no practitioner could, ultimately defeating the mighty shikigami and breaking its undefeated streak. Mahoraga's ability is the power to adapt to any and all types of phenomena which have included Sukuna's own Dismantle, Gojo's Limitless technique and Unlimited Void, and Yorozu's Domain Expansion of infinite pressure.
    • Nue: Totality - Merged Beast Agito (「」 Nue・Kon - Kangō Jū Agito?): An improved humanoid version of the Nue shikigami which inherited the powers of Great Serpent, Tiger Funeral, and Round Deer. Merged Beast Agito is a towering and muscular humanoid shikigami with a feathered mane, a mask over its face that resembles Nue's, feathered arms that end in claws, black antlers that protrude from its head, a feminine torso with black stripes, tiger-like feet, and a tail that ends in a snake's head. It also sports black hakama bottoms. It is a powerful shikigami with the ability to attack, defend, and provide support for its user. Its notable traits are its ability to produce electricity and regenerate with Reverse Cursed Technique.
    • Chimera Shadow Garden (「」 Ryōiki Tenkai・Kangō An'eitei?): The user inundates the area with numerous fluid shadows. Within this enigmatic domain, Sukuna can conjure multiple shikigami and even craft a doppelganger of himself from the very shadows. Sukuna can also stealthily conceal himself within an enemy's shadow when the domain is activated, allowing him to strike from their blind spot.
  • Reverse Cursed Technique ( Hanten Jutsushiki?): While incarnated in Yuji's body, Sukuna used his Reverse Cursed Technique to instantly heal any injuries, including even regenerating lost limbs within moments. Regained limbs maintain the same integrity as the rest of Sukuna's body. He can go further and even heal others, something few can do. Sukuna can also use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal his burned-out cursed technique by destroying the part of his brain that cursed techniques are engraved in and regenerating it. This displays Sukuna's extremely high level usage of the Reverse Cursed Technique.
  • Hollow Wicker Basket ( Iyako Tsuzura?): An anti-domain technique that is the predecessor to the Simple Domain. It erects a basket-shaped barrier that neutralizes a domain's barrier to nullify its guaranteed-hit factor.
  • Black Flash ( Kokusen?): A phenomenon that occurs when the user applies cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit, creating a spatial distortion that causes their cursed energy to flash black and amplifies the destructive power of the strike. Sukuna unleashed Black Flash against Maki Zenin during the jujutsu sorcerers' raid on him in Shinjuku, dealing a powerful strike that blasted away the girl with Heavenly Restriction.
Ryomen Sukuna (Rain's page) (2024)


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