Ida B. Wells: The Fearless Crusader and Voice Against Lynching — The Humanity Archive (2024)

Written By Jermaine Fowler

Written by The Humanity Archive

Last updated: May 10, 2023 • 5 min read

Ida B. Wells, an African American investigative journalist and civil rights leader, was a relentless advocate for equality. Her fearless resistance to racism and sexism and her pioneering role in the fight against lynching have etched her name in the annals of American history. This article delves into the life of Ida B. Wells, tracing her accomplishments, exploring her role in the anti-lynching crusade and women's suffrage movement, and reflecting on her enduring impact.

Ida B. Wells: The Fearless Crusader and Voice Against Lynching — The Humanity Archive (1)

Ida B. Wells: The Fearless Crusader and Voice Against Lynching — The Humanity Archive (2)

Jump To Section:

  • Who was Ida B. Wells?

  • What Were Ida B. Wells Major Accomplishments?

  • What Did Ida B. Wells Do Against Lynching?

  • How Did Ida B. Wells Contribute to Womens Suffrage?

  • Ida B. Wells Quotes

  • Ida B. Wells Books

  • Ida B. Wells Podcast

Who was Ida B. Wells?

Ida B. Wells, born into slavery in Holly Springs, Mississippi, in 1862, was an African American investigative journalist, educator, and early leader in the civil rights movement. With a life marked by tenacity and courage, Wells emerged as one of the most groundbreaking activists of her time, tirelessly combating racism and sexism.

In the wake of the Emancipation Proclamation, Wells' parents learned to read, instilling in her a strong sense of education and activism from an early age. Tragedy struck when both her parents and one of her siblings died in a yellow fever epidemic. At just 16 years old, Wells took on the responsibility of caring for her five remaining siblings. To support her family, she secured a job as a teacher, demonstrating her resilience and determination.

While her career as an educator was notable, it was her experience with the Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Railroad Company that sparked her lifelong commitment to activism. In 1884, Wells bought a first-class train ticket but was asked to move to the car for African Americans. Refusing to give up her seat, Wells was forcibly removed from the train. Incensed by this blatant act of racial discrimination, she sued the railroad company. Remarkably, she won the initial case, although the decision was later overturned by the Tennessee Supreme Court. This incident marked the beginning of Wells' fight against inequality, a fight she would carry on throughout her life.

Her experiences with racial injustice fueled her passion for investigative journalism. Wells co-owned and wrote for the Memphis Free Speech and Headlight newspaper, where she began her anti-lynching crusade. Her daring exposés revealed the horrific truth about lynching in the South, making her a target of threats and violence. Yet, she remained undeterred, standing resolute in her mission to unveil the stark realities of racial violence.

Wells' life, marked by personal and societal challenges, was a testament to her unyielding spirit. Her relentless pursuit of truth and justice transcended her own experiences, inspiring her to fight for the rights of all African Americans. Through her journalism, activism, and unwavering determination, Wells carved out a legacy that continues to inspire activists today. Her dedication to the cause of equality transformed her from a victim of racial discrimination into a leading figure in the fight against it.

What Were Ida B. Wells Major Accomplishments?

  • Exposing Lynching: Wells used her skills as an investigative journalist to expose the brutal practice of lynching in the South. Her detailed documentation of these atrocities shed light on the true motivations behind lynching, challenging the prevailing myths of the time.

  • Civil Rights Activism: Wells was one of the founding members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), cementing her legacy as an early civil rights leader.

  • Women's Suffrage: Wells was also a suffragist, advocating for women's right to vote. She played an integral role in the formation of the Alpha Suffrage Club, one of the first organizations dedicated to promoting suffrage for African American women.

  • Legal Battle Against Segregation: Wells sued the Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Railroad Company for racial discrimination, a case she initially won in 1884, although it was later overturned by the Tennessee Supreme Court. This legal battle marked one of the early attempts to challenge segregation laws in courts.

  • International Anti-Lynching Advocacy: Wells took her anti-lynching campaign to the international stage, touring Europe and bringing global attention to the issue. Her efforts helped to stigmatize lynching internationally, increasing pressure on American institutions.

  • Journalism and Publishing: Wells co-owned and wrote for the Memphis Free Speech and Headlight newspaper. After her printing press was destroyed by a mob due to her anti-lynching articles, she relocated to Chicago and continued her journalism career, contributing to or establishing several significant publications.

  • Community Organizing: Wells helped to establish the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, addressing issues like suffrage, education, and social reform, and the Negro Fellowship League, which provided support for newly arrived African Americans in Chicago.

What Did Ida B. Wells Do Against Lynching?

Ida B. Wells launched an unyielding campaign against lynching, a brutal form of racial terror used to maintain white supremacy in the post-Civil War South. Through her potent words and fearless activism, Wells brought national and international attention to this horrific practice, ultimately becoming a beacon of hope in a time of rampant racial violence.

The lynching of her friends at the People's Grocery in Memphis in 1892 served as a pivotal moment in Wells' life. The store, owned by three Black men, was seen as a threat by white competitors. A series of altercations led to the arrest of the store's owners, who were later dragged from their cells and murdered by a white mob. The brutality of these events deeply affected Wells, propelling her into her staunch anti-lynching crusade.

Wells embarked on an exhaustive investigation of lynching cases across the South, meticulously documenting each incident's circ*mstances. She published her findings in a series of articles in the Memphis Free Speech, a newspaper she co-owned, debunking the myths used to justify lynching. Her reportage exposed the brutal reality that many victims were not guilty of any crime and that lynching served primarily as a tool to suppress Black economic competitiveness and social mobility.

Her daring exposés were met with fierce backlash. In 1892, while she was away, her newspaper office was ransacked and destroyed by an enraged mob. Threats against her life forced Wells to stay in the North, but she remained undeterred. From her new base in Chicago, she continued her investigative work, publishing a detailed report on lynching in 1895, and later bringing international attention to the issue during her travels in the United Kingdom.

Her coverage of the Frazier Baker case in 1898 further exemplified her dedication to exposing the truth about lynching. Frazier Baker, a Black postmaster, and his infant daughter were killed when a white mob set their South Carolina home on fire. Wells' extensive reporting on the case and her efforts to seek justice for the Baker family marked a significant moment in her anti-lynching campaign.

Wells' fierce dedication to unveiling the truth about lynching, her courage in the face of life-threatening danger, and her tireless efforts to seek justice for victims firmly establish her as a pivotal figure in the battle against racial violence. Her legacy continues to inspire those fighting against racial injustice today.

How Did Ida B. Wells Contribute to Women’s Suffrage

Ida B. Wells was a tireless advocate for women's suffrage. Her commitment to gender equality was as strong as her dedication to racial justice. She consistently fought for the rights of all women to vote, using her journalistic skills and personal influence to amplify her message.

Key highlights of her advocacy for women's suffrage include:

  • Founding the Alpha Suffrage Club: In 1913, Wells founded the Alpha Suffrage Club, one of the first and most important Black women's suffrage organizations in Chicago. This club played a crucial role in mobilizing Black women to use their votes to influence local elections and to advocate for the rights of the Black community.

  • 1913 Women's Suffrage Parade: Despite the prevalent racial segregation, Wells refused to be sidelined during the 1913 Women's Suffrage Parade in Washington, D.C. When she was asked to march at the back with other Black women, Wells defiantly asserted her right to participate fully by joining the Illinois delegation at the forefront.

  • Lobbying for Women's Voting Rights: Wells was not just an activist but also a pragmatic lobbyist. She worked to push legislation that would grant women the right to vote, and she used her platform as a journalist to keep the issue in the public eye.

  • Promoting Women's Leadership: Through the Alpha Suffrage Club, Wells helped to get women involved in leadership positions within the community. This not only promoted the importance of women's voices in decision-making processes but also demonstrated the critical role women could play in shaping society.

Wells' work in the women's suffrage movement was emblematic of her broader commitment to equality and justice. She believed in the power of the vote as a tool for social change, and she fought tirelessly to ensure that all women, especially those of color, could wield this power.

Ida B. Wells Quotes

“The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.”
Ida B. Wells-Barnett

“one had better die fighting against injustice than to die like a dog or a rat in a trap”

― Ida B. Wells-Barnett

“If Southern white men are not careful, they will overreach themselves and public sentiment will have a reaction; a conclusion will then be reached which will be very damaging to the moral reputation of their women.”

― Ida B. Wells-Barnett

“A Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give.”
Ida B. Wells-Barnett

“Those who commit the murders write the reports.”
Ida B. Wells-Barnett

Ida B. Wells Books

Ida B. Wells authored several significant works that highlighted the grim reality of racial injustice and lynching in America. Her publications are powerful testaments to her investigative journalism skills and her fierce commitment to civil rights. Here are some of her most influential books:

  1. "Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases" (1892): This seminal work marks the beginning of Wells' anti-lynching crusade. With meticulous detail and searing prose, Wells debunks the myths used to justify lynching, revealing the horrific practice as a tool of racial control rather than a response to crime. The chilling firsthand accounts and statistics lend a sense of urgency and gravity that remain potent today.

  2. "A Red Record: Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynching in the United States, 1892-1893-1894" (1895): In this groundbreaking study, Wells offers a comprehensive analysis of lynching in America over a three-year period. Backed by thorough research, she lays bare the brutality and prevalence of lynching, directly challenging the apathy and denial of her contemporaries. It's an uncompromising, essential examination of American racial violence.

  3. "The Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the World's Columbian Exposition" (1893): Co-authored with Frederick Douglass and other Black leaders, this pamphlet critiques the exclusion of African Americans from the 1893 World's Fair. Wells' cogent arguments underscore the systemic racism of the time, while her passionate advocacy lends the work a timeless relevance.

  4. "Mob Rule in New Orleans: Robert Charles and His Fight to Death, the Story of His Life, Burning Human Beings Alive, Other Lynching Statistics" (1900): This stirring account of the events leading to the 1900 race riot in New Orleans offers a sobering glimpse into the extreme racial tensions of the era. Wells' riveting narrative and incisive commentary make this a crucial addition to the literature on American racial history.

  5. "Crusade for Justice: The Autobiography of Ida B. Wells" (1970, posthumously): Completed by her daughter after her death, Wells' autobiography offers an intimate look at the life of one of America's most courageous civil rights activists. From her early experiences of discrimination to her tireless crusades against lynching, Wells' personal and professional journey is a testament to her enduring legacy.

These works not only highlight the atrocities of the time but also showcase Wells' unwavering dedication to exposing the truth and seeking justice. Her writings continue to educate, inspire, and challenge readers today.

Ida B. Wells Podcast

Jermaine Fowler's Humanity Archive podcast episode, "No More Lynching: The Story of Ida B. Wells," is a gripping and vivid narrative that brings the courageous work of Wells to life. Here are some key highlights:

  • Unflinching Portrayal of Racial Terror: Fowler doesn't shy away from the gruesome details, describing the campaign of terror enacted by white supremacists with gut-wrenching clarity. He creates a visceral understanding of the atmosphere of fear and violence that Wells bravely stood against.

  • Illuminating Wells' Fearlessness: The podcast underscores the raw courage of Wells as she confronted the horrors of lynching head-on. Fowler paints a vivid picture of her tenacity, fearlessness, and unwavering commitment to justice.

  • In-depth Examination of the Anti-Lynching Crusade: Fowler provides a comprehensive analysis of Wells' anti-lynching work. He dives into her meticulous investigation into lynching cases, her expose of the lies spun by white supremacists and the life-threatening risks she undertook to reveal the truth.

  • Vivid Retelling of Key Events: From the tragic lynching at the People's Grocery to the fire-bombing of her newspaper office in Memphis, Fowler brings these pivotal events to life with a narrative intensity that captures the listener's attention.

  • Exposure of Systemic Injustice: Throughout the episode, Fowler sheds light on the systemic nature of racial injustice. He connects Wells' experiences and her fight against lynching to broader patterns of racial violence and discrimination.

  • Tribute to Wells' Enduring Legacy: The podcast concludes with a tribute to the enduring legacy of Wells, recognizing her pivotal role in the civil rights movement and her ongoing impact on contemporary struggles for racial justice.

"No More Lynching: The Story of Ida B. Wells" is a compelling listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Wells' life, her fearless fight against racial terror, and her significant contributions to the civil rights movement.

Ida B. Wells: The Fearless Crusader and Voice Against Lynching — The Humanity Archive (3)


Jermaine Fowler

Ida B. Wells: The Fearless Crusader and Voice Against Lynching — The Humanity Archive (2024)


Did Ida B. Wells get married? ›

In 1895 Ida B. Wells married another crusader, A Chicago newspaper man, Ferdinand L. Barnett, and together they continued their campaign for equal rights for Negro Americans.

What did the black journalist Ida B. Wells devote her writing to attacking in the 1890's? ›

Wells devoted her writing to attacking the loss of black voting rights. the boss system in most major cities.

What is Ida B. Wells' age? ›

Ida B Wells-Barnett
Lived:July 16, 1862—March 25, 1931 (aged 68)
Career:Civil rights and women's rights activist

What did Wells do early in her crusade for equal rights for black Americans? ›

In Chicago, Ida Wells first attacked the exclusion of Black people from the Chicago World's Fair, writing a pamphlet sponsored by Frederick Douglas and others. She continued her anti-lynching campaign and began to work tirelessly against segregation and for women's suffrage.

Does Ida B. Wells have any living descendants? ›

About Descendants

The descendants of Ida B. Wells work in a variety of professions, including law, medicine, finance, ministry, science, technology, communications, education, and business. Family members live in numerous areas around the country.

Was Ida B. Wells born into slavery? ›

Ida B. Wells was born into slavery in 1862. Her family, like so many others, was emancipated (freed from slavery) during the Civil War.

Did Ida Wells have kids? ›

In 1895, Wells married Ferdinand Barnett, with whom she had four children. Despite being married, Wells was one of the first American women to keep her maiden name. In 1896, Wells formed several civil rights organizations, including the National Association of Colored Women.

Where did Ida B. Wells live most of her life? ›

While she was in New York, Ida learned of threats against her and against her friends and family. The offices of her newspaper were burned. It was clear she could not return to Memphis. From then on she lived in the North, mostly in Chicago, and changed her pen name to “Exiled.”

Did Ida B Wells raise her siblings? ›

While she was there Wells-Barnett was informed that a yellow fever epidemic had hit her hometown. The disease took both of Wells-Barnett's parents and her infant brother. Left to raise her brothers and sister, she took a job as a teacher so that she could keep the family together.

What is a famous quote from Ida B. Wells? ›

Wells famously said, ''Somebody must show that the Afro-American race is more sinned against than sinning, and it seems to have fallen upon me to do so. '' Another of her most famous quotes is: ''I felt that one had better die fighting against injustice than to die like a dog or a rat in a trap.

Why did Ida B. Wells leave the NAACP? ›

Wells jugged motherhood, journalism and civil rights. In 1909, she was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), although was later ousted because she was perceived as too “radical”.

Who was the woman who wrote about lynching? ›

Ida B. Wells-Barnett, the fiery journalist, lecturer and civil rights militant, is best known for her tireless crusade against lynching and her fearless efforts to expose violence against blacks.

How many siblings did Ida B Wells have to take care of? ›

In 1878, the death of her parents and infant brother from yellow fever forced Wells to leave school at age 16 to care for her five siblings. Despite her young age, Wells was able to get a job as a teacher at a local elementary school to support the family while her grandmother cared for the children during the day.

Why was Ida B. Wells kicked out of the NAACP? ›

In 1909, she was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), although was later ousted because she was perceived as too “radical”. She also worked with Susan B Anthony as a leader in the movement for women's suffrage.

Who is Ida B Wells grandchildren? ›


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